Readings for April 6-7, Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
Fr. Edward Looney | For On Mission
Do you or someone you know struggle with “FOMO?” Do you not know what FOMO is? It’s an acronym — “fear of missing out.”
When my dog Shadow was alive, she had FOMO. She had to be in a room if people were in there. Perhaps it was separation anxiety and there was security when she was with me or whoever it was.
People you know might struggle with FOMO and maybe they do because there was a time when they missed out and were not a part of something.
If I had to guess, St. Thomas probably struggled with FOMO after today’s resurrection appearance.
The other 10 apostles saw the risen Jesus. Thomas did not. Because he missed the visit of the Risen Savior, he doubted, and asserted he needed to see the nail marks and pierced side of Jesus.
Maybe the apostles liked to play jokes on one another or on Thomas, specifically, and he thought they were just making up the visit. There was something going on in his heart and life that did not lead him to believe the testimony of others. Jesus would calm that fear of having missed out, because he did return for the sake of Thomas, so that he, too, could believe.
The second reading this weekend says that the love of God consists in keeping his commandments.
Following the commandments and living the life of a disciple could cause us to miss out. By following the teachings of Jesus, and when others around us are not, we will miss out on those things, but we also know that something better awaits us and is coming.
The Sunday after Easter is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday. When it comes to this devotion and private revelations received by St. Faustina, the Lord has a lot he wants to give us this weekend.
We can gain an indulgence if we go to confession, venerate an image of Divine Mercy and pray the chaplet, and do the other requirements of receiving holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the pope.
Jesus told St. Faustina that the floodgates of mercy were open on Divine Mercy Sunday. This is something that we should fear missing out on — the gifts that God wants to give us.
Every Sunday should be filled with FOMO when it comes to Mass.
I should fear missing out on the grace God wishes to give me through the Mass and reception of holy Communion. I should fear offending God by not keeping the Lord’s Day holy.
When it comes to our faith and practicing it, we can have a holy FOMO that motivates us to persevere in living the faith.
Fr. Looney is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawano, and priest celebrant of St. Martin Parish, Cecil. He hosts the podcast “Hey Everybody, It’s Fr. Edward.”
The readings for Sunday, April 7, can be found at